Monday, December 17, 2007

last night's conversation

A tiny bit of backstory: the Sergeant snores. A lot. Loudly. The good news is that usually if I can get him to lay on his stomach, the snoring stops. It's just getting there that's the trick...

Loud snores erupt from the Sergeant as soon as I crawl into bed next to him.

me: You're snoring.

the Sergeant: Mmm-hmm.

More snores.

me: You're snoring.

the Sergeant: Mmm-hmm.

More snores.

me: [getting frustrated] You're snoring!

the Sergeant: Mmm-hmm.

me: [suddenly overcome by a fit of giggles] Well, at least you're admitting it! When you're awake you always say "I don't snore!"

the Sergeant: Mmm-hmm.

me: [still giggling] You're snoring. Are you going to do something about it?

the Sergeant: [mumbling] I did.

me: You did. Really. How about rolling onto your stomach so I can get some sleep?

the Sergeant: [still mumbling, but adamant this time] I did!

The Sergeant is still flat on his back.

This is typical. Of course, he'd tell you that he doesn't snore and he doesn't talk in his sleep. But I'd be willing to put money on the fact that he recalls absolutely none of this conversation. *giggle* I eventually got him to roll over by poking him in the side every time he snored. And sometime after that I fell asleep. And the Little Mister didn't even wake me up in the middle of the night!


  1. We have been married for 23 years and I am SO OVER the snoring - this could easily have been the conversation I have with Billy every single night - except minus the giggling. Have a good Monday. See you later. Kellan

  2. For me it's kicking him until he rolls onto his left side, where he either stops snoring or I don't hear it so much. I also don't giggle about it anymore! He's finally getting checked out to see if he has sleep apnea, something I begged him to do years ago. He's so excited about possibly getting help for his sleeping problems, and I'm like, "duh!" Um, yea. Soooo not the sympathetic wife I should be anymore.

  3. We have the same conversations in our house. Which *he* claims to not have had.

    Yeah for the little mister not waking up mommy! :)


  4. Haha. Totally with you on the sleep talking- have recorded conversations...
    But, I don't know how you ladies with snorers do it. I always thought that was why you lived with a guy before you married, to see if he snored.Around here builders make a double master suite, with what they call 'the snoring room".

  5. that is too funny!

    i am SO glad my husband isn't a snorer!

    Running on empty

  6. That is funny! I'm sure he loves you telling everyone on your blog about it too. ;)
    You should video tape it so you have proof next time.
