Friday, March 28, 2008

Child, thy name is Perpetual Motion

My Little Mister used to sit and smile for the camera, to make adorable faces and let me take as many pictures as I wanted.

Not anymore.

Rose Daughter sent me this outfit for him, and I wanted to take a picture to show her how great it looks on him. Unfortunately, this was the result:

Eventually I put him in his exersaucer so I could at least get a shot of his smiling face.



  1. My kid's photos are starting to look like that, too . . . but I sort of like some of the really awkward and weird ones!

  2. It's a sad day when they outgrow that exersaucer, let me tell you. Then it's all chasing, all day.

  3. He didn't want to ruin his draft chances by being photographed wearing a uniform for a competing team. He didn't explain that?

    He's a handsome guy, that boy.

  4. Hee hee!

    I went through that awkward phase for a long time too. I took a lot of photos of the back of Katy's head. Get your running shoes ready, the chasing is about to begin!

  5. I love coming to your blog because he just makes me smile no matter what mood I am in! He'll be walking/running in no time.

  6. Well, over the pictures, you got most of the outfit! Do you think he's getting ready for being famous and shunning the paparazzi already?

  7. aww, such a busy little guy!

  8. Beautiful outfit on a beautiful boy!


  9. LOL - I remember those perpetual motion days. Now, the kid will stand still, but she mugs for the camera. Groan.

  10. Oh, I hear ya. Its very unusual that I get a picture taken that doesn't involve an upclose shot of Asher grabbing the lens. :)

  11. Okay tahnks a lot. Now I have baby fever again. He is adorable

  12. many of my best shots of MQ come from the exersaucer

  13. He is so cute! He looks so sporty!

  14. Once they learn how to be mobile... they never stop!! Now comes the part where they talk about "chasing after a toddler". I didn't lose the 5 lbs they promised though.

  15. Sometimes you just have to strap them in!

    He looks adorable, in motion or sitting still!

  16. Isn't that the truth. I love the first photo though -- he has the cutest little pout!

  17. Chasing a kid sucks. But that outfit is cute and your kiddo the CUTEST!!

  18. I have tons of photos like that too. They are so cute when they are mobile but my little one at least is way quicker than me.

  19. Someone is always blurred or turning away in our shots. It just gives the whole thing more character ;-)

    Cute little man!

  20. HA! The motion shots are always better than the posed ones, though.

  21. wait for the nap, I say. he is a doll!

  22. Yep, he's a cuite and looks so handsome. Glad you like the outfit, it fits you. :)

    They do get mobile quite fast, at least you had some slow moments, Crazy Daughter has always been active.

  23. Oh but it's so obvious he LOVES his new outfit.

  24. I'd say you did pretty well - you got him from almost every angle!

    Also? He. Is. Adorable!

  25. Oh, we are sooooooo trying the two-color capillary action experiment - Ben will be thrilled!

  26. We are just about opposite here. My son would cry or try to crawl to me everytime I tried to put him down to take his picture. Now he is more able to sit and play so we actually have a couple of good pictures of him actually smiling.

  27. I love it! It is so funny when they get to that point & are just...well..EVERYWHERE! I was foole din thinking tha once they grew out of toddlerhood things would slow down. Nope! I am running faster everyday :)
