Friday, November 21, 2008

New Stuff

  • Lately my son seems to think he should call me by my given name instead of calling me Mamma. Hmm.
  • The Little Mister seems to have begun "playing pretend". I asked him to hold a package of fruit snacks while I finished up what I was doing; I told him I'd open them when I was done. After a minute, when I glanced up, he was pretending to pull a snack out of the bag, put it in his mouth, chew, and swallow. When he caught me looking at him, he grinned. So cute!
  • A HUGE step in the right direction: the Little Mister is starting to put his toys away when I ask. And sometimes even when I don't ask. Wow. I LOVE IT!!
  • A couple weeks ago, for a reason I still can't put my finger on, I started a page on Facebook. I've already been in touch with several friends I hadn't talked to in over ten years!
  • I bought plane tickets this week; the Little Mister and I will be in the States for pretty much the month of January. I don't look forward to the l-o-n-g flights with a toddler, but it'll be great to see family and friends. The Little Mister even (finally!!!) gets to meet Painted Maypole and the May Queen!!!
  • And...oh's SNOWING outside right now. It's pretty much a mini blizzard! Yuck.
Christmas card update: 16 down, 49 to go. I think I need to work faster.
And yes, eventually I'll post a picture. :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Two down, sixty-three to go.

Christmas cards, that is.

Yup, I'm making my Christmas cards again this year. It seems a rather late start and a rather large undertaking considering the colds and infections making the rounds in our house lately, plus the normal busyness of the holiday season and also having a seventeen month old, especially since they really should be out by around the first of December to make sure they're delivered on time...but I enjoy making cards, and my friend and I are working on them together, so it should be fun. We started last night, the kids watched Annie (well, we had the table set up so we could watch Annie too, and sing along, of course!) while we worked.'re probably thinking something along the lines of, "Dragonfly, if you worked last night, why do you only have two cards done? If you're making sixty-five cards, you might want to make a few more than just two a night."

But I did work hard last night. I made over half of my envelopes!

Yeah..not only am I making 65 cards, I'm making 65 envelopes too!!!

I'm a new kind of super hero! You can call me..

[cue trumpets]


I think I'm going to go take a nap...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Baby Hugs

*for Wordless Wednesday*

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Three cheers from the sick house!

Okay, this is actually us watching the Bills game tonight. And it's blurry because I had to use the timer. And right now there isn't much to cheer about, because it's 10-3, New England. But unlike my dad (the pessimistic lifetime Lions fan, who has faith during every game that they'll find a way to lose) I have hope that my boys can find a win. And, if not, we'll be cheering again next week. (Probably not watching though. It's a Monday night game, which means it starts here at 2:30 Tuesday morning. So cheering in our dreams, I guess.)

But this really is a sick house. This week has been rough. Monday I went to the clinic...I have a sinus infection. I'm feeling much better, almost back to normal. Still headachey, but that's not so bad.

The Little Mister, This is really the first time he's ever been sick, and I guess he figured he'd do it right the first time. Remember the picture I posted Tuesday, of him crying and encouraging everyone to vote? Apparently those tears weren't just from his incoming molar (which popped through Tuesday evening, by the way). Wednesday morning he wouldn't eat or drink, so I took him to the clinic in the early afternoon.

He has two ear infections.

He has a minor bacterial infection in his eyes.

He has bronchitis.

My poor baby! After 24 hours on medicine he was mostly back to himself. Now his eyes look fine, and his breathing sounds normal most of the time. He's still more cranky than usual, but I'm hoping my happy baby will come back when the pain in his ears goes away. And I'm really hoping that's soon...

I don't like living in a sick house!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Go me!

I finally did it.

I washed the dirty clothes he left on the floor.

It only took three months and four days.

And I only cried a little.

I am feeling very silly right now.

And also embarrassed.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's Election Day!

Please vote!

If you don't, I might cry!

These tears have been brought to you by incoming molar number four

This public service announcement has been brought to you by the Little Mister and by the letter V

Saturday, November 1, 2008