in the afternoon...
trips to the park: 1
moms on the trip: 2
kids on the trip: 4
directions four kids can go all at once: approximately 27
slides slid by the Little Mister: 2
slides slid without crying: 1
slides enjoyed: 0
steps the Little Mister climbed: 8
picnic tables he climbed: 4
fallen logs he climbed: 2
people he climbed: 3
hours spent at the park: 2.5
distance walked/crawled/climbed/slid: far enough that we were all exhausted when we left!
pictures taken: 150 (and no, that is no exaggeration..)
and then after dinner...
trips to the movies: 1
people I took with me to see The Dark Knight: ZERO!!
(Oh the joy of being able to see a movie that isn't made for kids! To spend a few hours with no responsibilities!)
times I thanked my friend and her kids for watching the Little Mister for me: too many to count
and later last night...
football games watched: 1
points scored by the Bills: 31
points scored by the Rams: 14
times I cheered out loud for the Bills: again, too many to count
time I finally got to bed: 2:00 am
and today's big number...
new molars poking through: TWO!!
trips to the park: 1
moms on the trip: 2
kids on the trip: 4
directions four kids can go all at once: approximately 27
slides slid by the Little Mister: 2
slides slid without crying: 1
slides enjoyed: 0
steps the Little Mister climbed: 8
picnic tables he climbed: 4
fallen logs he climbed: 2
people he climbed: 3
hours spent at the park: 2.5
distance walked/crawled/climbed/slid: far enough that we were all exhausted when we left!
pictures taken: 150 (and no, that is no exaggeration..)
and then after dinner...
trips to the movies: 1
people I took with me to see The Dark Knight: ZERO!!
(Oh the joy of being able to see a movie that isn't made for kids! To spend a few hours with no responsibilities!)
times I thanked my friend and her kids for watching the Little Mister for me: too many to count
and later last night...
football games watched: 1
points scored by the Bills: 31
points scored by the Rams: 14
times I cheered out loud for the Bills: again, too many to count
time I finally got to bed: 2:00 am
and today's big number...
new molars poking through: TWO!!