Five Books* I Can Read Again And Again (And Again And Again...)
- The Giver by Lois Lowry This is probably my very favorite book. It reminds me how beautiful the world is, and how much I appreciate the freedom to make choices.
- The Book Thief by Markus Zusak I found this book at the library last summer, and when I was done I went out and bought a copy for myself. One of these days I'm going to write a post all about this book, I can't say enough about how amazing it is. The Giver has been my favorite book for years...but this one is vying for the title.
- anything by Tamora Pierce I discovered her first books, The Song of the Lioness quartet, when I was in junior high, and I could not even try to count how many times I've read it since. It's about a young girl, Alanna, who disguises herself as a boy so she can become a knight. I wanted to be Alanna. Sometimes I still want to be Alanna. :)
- Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare You can look at my Shakespeare anthology and pick out where Romeo and Juliet falls by the worn pages. One of these days I'll buy a little paperback version. It seems counterproductive, but when I'm feeling sad I read this play and it makes me feel better. The best part is I can read it in just a few hours.
- Spindle's End (and many others!) by Robin McKinley Rose Daughter named herself for one of McKinley's books; I like that one a lot, but Spindle's End is my favorite. It's Sleeping Beauty retold, and it's magical. I'm a sucker for fairy tales.
note: This is not, by any means, and exhaustive list. It was actually very difficult to narrow it down to five! :)