Thursday, November 29, 2007


I had several ideas for a post for today. I have one partly written about my grandpa and the wonderful things he's made for me over the years, and I had a strange and funny dream the other night that I might write about. But I couldn't make myself write about something funny or magical today

Today is just gloomy.

I'm fairly certain the temperature never got above freezing. When I woke there was frost on the ground and ice on the cars and it stuck around all day. The sun never showed its face. And the fog...I thought about taking a picture out the window, but an entire frame of white-grey fog doesn't make for much of a photograph.

I spent much of the day doing laundry and washing dishes. And bottles, washing bottles never ends! When I wasn't working and the Little Mister was sleeping I curled up on the couch and worked on a cross stitch I started for my little brother. I kept the curtains closed because looking outside was just too depressing.

I've suspected for a long time that I have at least a touch of seasonal affective disorder. I love rain, especially summer thunderstorms, but I tend to get down if the sun stays hidden for days and days. We've talked about getting a sun lamp, and we'll probably get one eventually. For now, though, I have to find the happiness in gloomy days. Like today.

I didn't want to go out at all (I'd rather drive in six inches of unplowed snow than thick, soupy fog!) but I decided that fun today was going to be a new food for the Little Mister. So around four thirty, when it was already dark, I bundled him up in his brand new snow suit (thanks, Crazy Grandma!) and headed out into the gloom.

So far the Little Mister has only had rice cereal, but since it's been a week with no reactions, I decided to try an avocado. Apparently avocado is good for brain development, or something like that. I looked online and it's a good "first food", and easy to prepare (no cooking, just scoop it out and toss it in a blender) so that's what we went looking for at the commissary. That and a Snapple for me. :)

The avocado was a success. He loved it! I cannot believe how much this child eats. It astonishes me! He's still getting most of his nutrition from formula (solids just once a day) but he knows when it's five thirty. He knows it's time to get into the high chair! When we get everything situated he opens his mouth wide and leans forward, ready for the spoon.

It's a lot of work (a bottle is so much easier!) but it's also a lot of fun feeding the Little Mister solids. Watching his face tonight when he tasted something new was priceless. I can't wait to try something new again...although I have to wait at least a week. :)

So...even though it was a gloomy day, I didn't let it get me down. We found the fun!


  1. Yep, that little joyful face could definitely light up any gloomy day. Hope tomorrow is less gloomy for you!

  2. Oooh, I love avacado too!! I love them! Cute pictures. You should get one of those sun lamps. My friend, that lives in Utah, had to get one and she says it was a miracle - they seem to really work. Take care and don't be down. Kellan

  3. He is just so adorable. Every time I see him, he gets cuter and cuter. I wouldn't have thought it was possible, but it IS!

    You are doing a fabulous job with him. I know it must be tough - especially when stuck inside in miserable weather. But your strength of character is amazing - the fact that you made yourself go out today was huge!

    Good job!


  4. Look at that good little man with his mouth open. What a peanut. So cute!!!!

  5. Ah, yes, the short days of Northern Europe. It can be difficult without hubby around to break up the routine of staying home with a baby... Hang in there, and my personal recommendation is to light candles as a compensation for the darker days!

  6. My kids loved, loved, loved, mashed avocado! they still love avocado today too. Mashed bananas were a big hit at our house too (but be careful of constipation). Sorry about the weather---yuk. Maybe you'll move to the sunny southwest where we live? Good for you that you trudged out in it anyway!

  7. Mmmm, avocados! A favorite all around in our household too.

    I checked, the weather barely hit 33 for us and we usually run about a degree or two warmer than you guys (you'd think a 30 minute drive in an essentially flat country wouldn't make that much of a difference...). We got out but it was bone-chilling with the humidity.

    Glad to see that you were able to at least somewhat salvage the day. And I so agree - the days are SO short here and the winter just never seems to end. I think we all get a touch of SAD when we live here!

  8. Little Mister is adorable! I remember being excited and a little dismayed when each of my kids started solids because bottles were a lot easier and I was making three separate meals - one for me and my husband, one for my pre-schooler, and one for the baby!

  9. good for you! That Little Mister is too, too cute.

  10. I love those big eyes of his! Smart mama starting him on avocados! Glad it was a hit! :) One day it'll be guacamole...

    I think I might have the seasonal mood thing too ... which is why I love living in Denver. About 300 days of sunshine per year! I really need it...
