Thursday, November 22, 2007

the little mister is thankful for.....


We did this for the first time today. He was a bit confused at first, and didn't know what to think, but by the end he was diggin' it. He ate the whole bowl!

Sorry for the deluge of pictures. He's just so darn cute!! :)


  1. OMG! That is unbelievable. Most kids *hate* solids the first time, at least that is my experience. Good for the little Mister. And no worries about the multiple pix - he is adorable.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all!


  2. ha ha! The Sargeant was there taking video when MQ ate her first solid foods!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. He is indeed terribly cute, and worth lots and lots of pictures.

    My daughter loved her first solids, too. And we went more than a bit crazy with the photos. The expressions change so quickly!

    Congratulations on the successful food intro!

  4. Just wait, it gets worse. I think I took pictures of EVERY new food for my daughter. They are so irresistibly cute with food spread everywhere!

    I'm glad you could all be together for Thanksgiving - hope you enjoyed!

  5. What a great day for a fun milestone. He looks so happy and so cute.

  6. Gotta love that first time eating real food!! Thanks for sharing the great pics!

  7. Just look at that little peanut! What a sweetie pie! And so happy. He sure does love his solid food. So cute!

  8. Hooray for solid food! Looks like a great Turkey Day for the Lil Mister! :)

  9. Oh Little Mister - You have a whole new world opening for you now! So many great foods to experience, so little time:) Just think, pasta ... cheerios ... ice cream!

  10. So adorable and he looks very happy - it's only up from here (as far as food goes) - see ya.

  11. Whooo hooo!!! Way to go, Little Mister CUTIE! :) catherine

  12. Oh, look how happy he is with that solid stuff!

  13. I love that last one. He is a cutie.

  14. My little girl HATED solid foods the first time we tried to feed her. She still does in fact...
    I love all the pictures. He is so stinkin' cute!
